Prix: Entrée libre
Salle C-3061
3150, rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1N8

Reconstruire les comportements de mobilité des populations chasseurs-cueilleurs : nouvelles perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le Quaternaire

L’atelier rassemblera un groupe de chercheurs d’à travers le monde pour étudier comment approcher les comportements de mobilité, dimension critique de la vie de nos ancêtres chasseurs-cueilleurs, dans le registre archéologique.

Conférenciers invités :

Rebecca Wragg-Sykes (U Bordeaux)
Introductory comments and goals of the workshop/project

Erick Robinson (U Wyoming)
Project 1404: Cultural responses to Late Glacial-Middle Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in Europe

Miquel Roy Sunyer (Barcelona)
Shifts and continuities in the Neanderthal settlement of the southern Pre-Pyrenees (Iberia)

Telmo Pereira (Algarve)
Lithic raw material provenance as a proxy for mobility

Julien Riel-Salvatore (U Montréal)
A meta-analysis of “whole assemblage” studies: Identifying robust, easily replicated lithic proxies for prehistoric forager mobility

William Rendu (NYU/CNRS)
Integrating lithic technological and zooarchaeological studies to address the question of Late Neanderthal mobility in Southwestern France

Gideon Hartman (U Connecticut)
Walk the line: Mobility and territorial behavior in Middle Paleolithic Amud Cave, Israel Alex Pryor (Cambridge): Reconstructing seasonal mobility in the Central European Gravettian using strontium isotopes (measured by laser ablation) and charcoal.

Kate Britton (U Aberdeen)
Reconstructing prey-species palaeoecology using time-series multi-isotope approaches: modern and archaeological case studies

Jamie Hodgkins (CU Denver)
Using information from archaeological faunal remains, ecological reconstructions, and strontium isotopes to answer questions about hominin mobility

Suzie Pilaar Birch (U Georgia)
Reconstructing species-level migratory behavior and its implications for prehistoric human mobility.

Dario Guiducci (U de Montréal)
Reading the Landscape: legible environments and hominin dispersals.

Reconstructing hunter-gatherer mobility : building new inter-disciplinary frameworks in the Quaternary
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