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Salle 3165-2
7101, avenue du Parc
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3N 1X9

Séminaire de l'Institut de recherche en santé publique de l'Université de Montréal (IRSPUM)

En collaboration avec le CCNPPS et l'INSPQ

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Titre complet du séminaire :
Promoting Population Mental Health and Wellbeing for Children and Youth: innovative approaches to policy, practice and research

This presentation addresses the need for innovative policy, practice and research approaches in addressing the social determinants of mental health and promoting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. A mental health promotion approach is outlined, which involves multisectoral action across government, civic society and professional organizations in implementing policies and programmes that strengthen young people, their families and communities, reorients health services to promotion and prevention, and removes structural barriers to good mental health at a societal level.

Drawing on the international evidence, priority areas for effective action across sectors are identified in promoting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. The effective implementation and scaling up of evidence-informed strategies that adopt a whole-of-government and a whole-of-society approach are critically considered. The need for innovative research and practice paradigms to support the development of more sustainable system-level strategies in promoting children and youth mental health at a population level is discussed.

Conférencière :
Margaret M. Barry
Holds the Established Chair in Health Promotion and Public Health at the National University of Ireland Galway, where she is Head of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion Research. Professor Barry has published widely in mental health promotion and works closely with policymakers and practitioners on the development, implementation and evaluation of mental health promotion interventions and policies at national and international level. Elected as Global Vice President for Capacity Building, Education and Training by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education from 2007-2010, Professor Barry has extensive experience of coordinating European and international collaborative projects. She has served as Temporary Advisor to WHO and has acted as project leader on major European Union funded initiatives.

Professor Barry has served on a number of international and European steering groups, research councils and scientific committees and has acted as expert adviser on mental health promotion policy and research development in a number of countries around the world. She is co-author of the international text Implementing Mental Health Promotion (Barry and Jenkins, 2007), which is currently being revised for a second edition. Professor Barry was re-appointed in 2016 for a second term to the European Commission Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health (2016-2019).

Further CV details available

Animation :
Louise Potvin
Directrice, IRSPUM, professeure titulaire à l'École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal

Promoting Population Mental Health and Wellbeing for Children and Youth
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