(QC) Canada

Symmetry and topology of quasiparticles and their bound states in correlated insulators
Siddharth Parameswaran
Department of Physics
University of Oxford

Présentation en anglais

Vidéoconférence, Zomm #: 892019835 (Zoom link)
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Abstract: In this talk, I explore two examples of how the symmetry of a microscopic lattice or topology of an underlying non-interacting band structure can be imprinted in the excitations of strongly-correlated insulators. First, I show that previously-unnoticed crystal symmetry constraints drastically alter the understanding of Ising quantum criticality in the quasi-1D magnetic insulator CoNb2O6, resolving decade-old puzzles related to the dispersion of confined `kinks’ in the ordered phase and the decay of spin-flip quasiparticles in the paramagnetic phase [1]. I will then change focus to the correlated quantum anomalous Hall insulator recently observed in twisted bilayer graphene near the magic angle, where I will discuss the topological properties [2] and many-body physics [3] of excitonic bound states.

[1] M. Fava, R. Coldea, and S.A. Parameswaran, arXiv:2004.04169 (2020), to appear in PNAS.
[2] Y.H. Kwan, Y. Hu, S.H. Simon, and S.A. Parameswaran, arXiv:2003.11560 (2020).
[3] Y.H. Kwan, Y. Hu, S.H. Simon, and S.A. Parameswaran, arXiv:2003.11559 (2020).

For more information about Prof. Parameswaran, you can consult his research web page.

Cette conférence est présentée par le RQMP.

Symmetry and topology of quasiparticles and their bound states in correlated insulators - Siddharth Parameswaran (Oxford)