90, avenue Vincent-d'Indy
Montréal (QC) Canada  H2V 2S9

Conférence de Marilyne Stains, Département de chimie, Université du Nebraska-Linclon.

Résumé de la conférence

There is growing interest in transforming the instructional practices of faculty teaching science courses at the university level. As faculty development efforts expand, the need to quantify classroom teaching practices increases; yet the applicability of existing observation protocols is restricted by certain limitations. In this presentation, we describeinstructional practices via easily-collected observational data. This method was developed empirically via a cluster analysis using observations of 269 individual class periods, collected from 74 different faculty at 28 different research-intensive institutions in the United-States. Ten basic clusters of instructional behaviors emerging from this analysis and a detailed breakdown of typical instructional practices will be described. Implications for faculty development, and a description of available tools for implementing our method, will be discussed.

Marilyne Stains is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United-States. Her research focuses on characterizing the extent and nature of the gap between instructional practices in science college classrooms and discipline-based education research. She is particularly interested in characterizing chemistry faculty’s instructional practices and ways of thinking about teaching, including pedagogical content knowledge. She received funding from the National Science Foundation to develop, implement, and evaluate semester-long pedagogical workshops targeting science faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Since 2012, Dr. Stains is serving on the Chemical Education Research committee within the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Education.

La conférence sera présentée en anglais.
La période de questions se fera en français et en anglais.


Lieu :

Université de Montréal
Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Pavillon Marie-Vicotrin
Salle D-471
(Métro Édouard-Montpetit)


Cette conférence est organisée par la Chaire d'étude et de recherche en enseignement des sciences et technologies en milieu scolaire et collégialde l’Université de Montréal.



How do university science faculty really teach ?
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