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1205, rue Saint-Denis , N-3785
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Dans le cadre des conférences du CIRST, Viviana Di Giovinazzo (Duke University and University of Milano Bicocca) présentera une communication intitulée, «Economics and psychology in the work of Tibor Scitovsky: aesthetic preference, individual satisfaction and the role of the arts in society».

Résumé : The research carried out by Tibor Scitovsky in the fields of aesthetic and informational psychology gave rise to an understanding of the development of preferences quite different from that provided by the standard economic theory of consumer behaviour. This paper explores, first of all, the role Scitovsky attributed to arts and more generally aesthetics in the formation of preferences, clarifying at the same time their endogenous nature and relevant measurement criteria. It then goes on to analyze the role played by the liberal and performing arts in providing personal satisfaction and growth and stimulating social development.

Economics and psychology in the work of Tibor Scitovsky: aesthetic preference, individual satisfaction and the role of the arts in society
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