Prix: Entrée libre
Salle S1-111
2940, chemin de la Polytechnique
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1J7

Titre : Lessons From Nature About Solar Light Harvesting.

La conférence sera prononcée par le professeur Gregory Scholes du département de chimie de l'University of Toronto. Elle sera donnée en anglais.

Résumé : Solar fuel production often starts with the energy from light being absorbed by an assembly of molecules and routed by electronic energy transfer. For example, in photosynthesis, antenna complexes capture sunlight and direct the energy to reaction centers that then carry out the associated chemistry. We will explain experiments revealing the mechanisms of femtosecond energy transfer processes in photosynthetic algae, including evidence for quantum coherent effects. Principles learned from such studies of natural antenna complexes suggest how to elucidate strategies for designing light harvesting antenna systems. We envision that such systems will be used to concentrate excitation energy by directing and regulating excitation flow using quantum-mechanical effects. 

Information supplémentaire

Conférence du professeur Gregory Scholes (Toronto)
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