Prix: Gratuit
Amphithéâtre Le Groupe Maurice
4545, chemin Queen Mary
Montréal (Québec) Canada  H3W1W4

Conférence de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, en partenariat avec l'Institut di vieillissement de IRSC.

Paola Barbarino,
Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI)

Paola Barbarino will explain the role of ADI as the global voice of dementia, outlining their upcoming projects spanning international and national policy, campaigns and publications.

Paola will emphasise the need for a balanced response to the global dementia epidemic and ADI’s role in providing the socioeconomic data than enables us to advocate at international level, how ADI is coordinating the global response under the WHO’s Global action plan together with our 94 member nations, as well as examples of national responses adapted to address the unique impact of dementia in each country. She will also focus on innovation and sharing of best practice. Finally, she will give a preview into the forthcoming World Alzheimer Report and World Alzheimer's Month campaign. She hopes her presentation to be followed by a robust Q&A with the audience.

Alzheimer’s Disease International: The global voice on dementia