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Une introduction aux groupes de renormalisation fonctionnelle
A gentle introduction to the Functional Renormalization Group

Lucas Désoppi
Département de physique
Université de Sherbrooke

Présentation en français, visuel en anglais

Abstract: A large class of physical systems can be described as collections of equivalent degrees of freedom. The effects of correlations is known to give rise to collective phenomena, whose study calls for powerful strategies and approximations. Several methods are available to investigate the physics of those systems, among which the celebrated Functional Renormalization Group (FRG). In this talk, I will provide a (hopefully not too) technical introduction to this subject. It will be shown that the FRG is deeply rooted in Statistical Mechanics, and that its core idea can be formulated in terms of a (functional) diffusion equation. I will then present the Wetterich equation, the cornerstone of the method, which is well suited to a diversity of ansatzes. There, the distinction between functional/nonfunctional and perturbative/nonperturbative approaches will be made. The most famous approximation schemes will be mentioned, together with the questions that can be addressed, and the limitations of their applicability. Finally, some examples will be briefly exposed, ranging from active matter physics, to the problem of quantum gravity.

Cette conférence est présentée par le RQMP.

Séminaires RQMP du lundi: Lucas Désoppi (UdeS)