(QC) Canada


Quantum-information optoelectronics
Mackillo (Mack) Kira
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Michigan

Présentation en anglais

Vidéoconférence, Zomm #: 843 3390 1803 (Zoom link)
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Abstract: Extremely strong lightwaves excite semiconductor quasiparticles much faster than scattering occurs, which paves the way for perfect transport of electronic quantum coherences. I will overview the key ideas behind such lightwave electronics, enabling ultrafast access and control of electronic quantum information in solids, possibly at petahertz (PHz) rates. Especially, I will demonstrate how a first-principles quantum dynamic cluster-expansion theory reveals intriguing nonperturbative quantum-kinetic and many-body possibilities beyond semiclassical models, often used to motivate lightwave electronics. As examples, I will present several quantitative theory–experiment comparisons, revealing the critical role of quantum memory for nonlinear optics, electronic quantum interferences for high-harmonic generation, coherent exciton collisions for harmonic sideband generation, Coulomb interaction for flipping valleytronic qubit in a WSe 2 monolayer in less than 5fs, and crystal-momentum combs for enabling super-resolution imaging of electronic bands of quantum materials.

Bio: Mackillo (Mack) Kira received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Helsinki University of Technology (Finland), was postdoc at the University of Marburg (Germany), research associate at the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), and Professor at the University of Marburg. Since 2016, he has been a professor at the University of Michigan (ECE & Physics) where his group develops systematic quantum theory for semiconductor quantum optics, terahertz spectroscopy, and lightwave electronics. This work includes predicting and explaining quantum-entanglement effects in semiconductor microcavities, introducing semiconductor quantum spectroscopy, discovering the dropleton, the highly entangled quasiparticle, and introducing new concepts to lightwave electronics such as a quasiparticle collider, super-resolution crystal-momentum combs, and petahertz-rate qubit flip in two-dimensional quantum materials. Prof. Kira is an APS, OSA, and Marie-Curie fellow. He is a co-author of more than 180 papers and one of the first textbooks on Semiconductor Quantum Optics.

For more information about Prof. Kira, you can consult his research web page.

Cette conférence est présentée par le RQMP.

Quantum-information optoelectronics - Mackillo Kira (Michigan)